Welcome to the beautiful new face and domain of iprefermypunsintended.com. I have been working with the fabulous Stephanie Drenka of Geek Glam to develop my new site and I could not be more pleased with the result. (Go Check her out at geekglam.net)
Speaking of beauty, I do not remember a more beautiful springtime than the springtime that has just passed. I cannot ever remember watching each and every bloom and feeling a great sense of renewal. In fact, the only thing I can remember about previous springtimes is sneezing and a whole lot of hay fever. Quite possibly the only thing that was renewed in spring was my bed side tissues.
There is something about having a newborn that forces allows you to stop, reflect, and truly appreciate what is important in life. Even at my worst mommy moments…you know…when you’re sleep-deprived, frustrated, and awake with a fussy baby at three in the morning, I would pause and remember that I was holding what could potentially become my greatest contribution to the world. Once I calmed down, he would calm down, and I would get to return to my bed with my husband. The most important people in my life were within my arms reach. In my estimation, this is the most profound blessing I could ever experience.
Putting my family first has become a new norm for me. Even so, putting my family first in all of my decisions is not always clear. Despite any confusion I have felt over the last three+ months, I have found clarity in one thing. I absolutely love to write.
During this time with my little boy, I have found the bliss in writing again. It has become my one non-negotiable outlet every single day. It is the time when I drink my coffee and enjoy the quiet solitude of putting my thoughts in motion. The more I write, the more I learn.
In the spirit of total honesty, I believe my loyal readers have a right to know what I have been working on over the past few weeks. I have attempted to begin a side career in freelance writing. I do not know where this new idea will take me, but I must continue to take risks…especially when these risks get me closer to the two most important people in my life.
I hope everyone has as wonderful of a weekend as this guy…
Glad you made the jump to your own domain and freelancing! Sleek design and your puns are cute (though, you may want to darken the letters in the “favorite teacher” paper; it’s hard to see).
Thanks for the feedback!