A friend of mine posted a link to this fabulous quiz this morning and it got me thinking; I know far too much about Disney movies. I scored a perfect 9/9.
In fact, as my husband lamented what is to come of our future movie-going experiences, I secretly rejoiced that I would be able to have an excuse to see a Disney film without sideways glances from other adults…with their children…but c’mon. Who doesn’t love a good Disney storyline? The impossibly romantic love stories and the heart wrenching back-stories are enough to make me rush to the nearest Redbox location and rent the newest animated film. Here is my review of the top 10 greatest Disney movies of all time.
10. Bambi
There are two reasons that Bambi cracked the top 10: Thumper and his use of the word “twitterpated.” That should be enough.
9. The Jungle Book