So…I wrote a post on packing hacks for parents taking infants to the beach. I was so self-righteous…I know how to pack my baby for the beach.
I probably should’ve made a list for myself.
You see, the last two trips I’ve taken, I’ve forgotten a few key items. When we traveled to Kiawah Islands, I forgot toothpaste. Thank goodness I was sharing a room with my niece.

mmmm….bubble gum.
I’ve forgotten how tasty kids toothpaste can be…and kids vitamins for that matter.
This is not the worst of my personal packing mishaps.
This family beach trip, I felt so confident in my packing skills. It took me five minutes to pack my giant blue suitcase. I fit everything in there: swimsuits, coverups, underwear, shorts, tshirts, makeup, hair dryer, brushes, and shoes. Notice anything missing? I forgot something to sleep in…and some shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. In between partying with Bennett, I really would have enjoyed some pajama bottoms instead of jean shorts. Yes, I am a Georgia fan and I wear jean shorts: sue me. I digress.
As much as I loved the taste of the Oral B toothpaste, it was very obviously made for kids. I never really felt like I got a good clean. Imagine my disappointment when the only shampoo, conditioner, and body wash was my son’s Beauty Counter Nice Do shampoo, Not a Knot conditioner, and Squeaky Clean body wash. Great…another week at the beach using some sort of kiddie scented body products. Maybe I’ll smell like cotton candy.
Only, after I got to take a delicious shower by myself using said products, I realized the scents weren’t all together too bad. They even smelled age and gender neutral. In fact, I really enjoyed the grapefruit scent. This could potentially be the best kids shampoo, conditioner, and body wash I’ve used. As a forgetful packer, this is absolutely wonderful.
Parent-to-parent, you’re going to remember just about everything for your child…and inevitably, you’ll forget the essentials for yourself. You’re so worried about diapers and wipes that you may forget personal effects.
I absolutely love the mission of Beauty Counter. As cosmetics and skincare is not regulated through the FDA, there are thousands of ingredients in cosmetics that are cancerous and potentially harmful to you and your babies. It gives me peace of mind that I am washing my little boy’s hair with the safest possible shampoo. If you’re curious how toxic your baby shampoo/body wash check out Beauty Counter’s skin deep app. You will be SHOCKED! Thankfully all Beauty Counter products are a 0-2 on a scale of 0-10. If you’re as concerned about the safety of your personal products as me, Beauty Counter is worth checking out. Added to the fact that Beauty Counter obviously has great taste in pun-ny names.
Beauty Counter has an adult line of products as well…and sunscreen…in case you’re wondering.
If you’re as forgetful as me, the fact that both the adult and kid shampoo smells great and cleans well is reassuring. The fact that I have peace of mind using the products on my baby is icing on the cake. Thankfully, Bennett is none the wiser that I have been sneaking his shampoo…and sunscreen.

Protected and squeaky clean thanks to Beauty Counter Protect, Kids Counter Nice Do, Not a Knot, and Squeaky Clean
I lived the beach hacks post! I am packing for the beach right now and I am using it. Thanks for doing the work for me 🙂
No prob, my love!