Well, we did it. We survived your very first cold this month. It was a little tougher than I thought. I felt so helpless as you sniffled, sneezed, coughed, and wheezed your way through the better part of two weeks. You’re such a happy boy and it broke my heart to see you so sleepy and so very frail. I knew you were feeling better when you started talking again…I missed that loud voice of yours!
I didn’t think parenting could get any more fun. I used to always wonder why parents were so crazy about being parents. It never sounded like fun to me: being on call at all hours of the night, changing dirty diapers, limited to a schedule…but honestly, I wouldn’t ever want to go back to life before you. Every morning is a gift; whether you’re whining or smiling your sweetest smile, I am so incredibly grateful to get to pick you up every single day.
Honestly, Bennett, I am getting a little sad about the prospect of not returning to work next week. That sadness is eclipsed by the joy that I get when I spend the whole day with you, however. As my former co-workers would say, I have a class, it is just much, much smaller. As the months continue to fly by, I realize how quickly this time goes: and I don’t want to blink and miss it.
You found your hands at three months and you found your feet at four and a half months.
We haven’t started solid food yet; I have been advised by a lot of vetted mommies to wait until six months for that. I am excited to see what kind of damage you will do to some oatmeal cereal, veggies, and fruit. You’re a big boy: about seventeen and a half to eighteen pounds (give or take some ounces). I am sure you’ll be ready for some food very soon.
You have had some fun adventures this month: The Center for Civil and Human Rights was at the top of the list. You were such a good boy and looked at all of the beautiful displays with respect and curiosity. You are such a calm and curious little guy. You love focusing on one toy, person, or activity. Still, you love being around a group of people. We took you to a party the other night and you were the star of the show.
You like to sit in your high chair and play with toys these days. You’re getting better with tummy time, although, we haven’t really done a lot of it since you weren’t feeling so well. I have started putting you in your Bumbo seat and you can take it or leave it. Sometimes, I think you worry your chubby little legs may get stuck in there; or maybe that’s me?
Look, little guy, I know that you love me. Your bright blue eyes melt every last bit of my heart every time you look at me and smile at me. Still, you love your daddy. He can get the best belly laughs from you without fail. The two of you watch sports center every night he is home before bedtime. He is equally as enamored with you. Sometimes, he and I sneak a peek on the video monitor when you’re sleeping. We call it Bennett TV. Most of the time, we look when there really isn’t anything good on. To be totally honest with you, I’m pretty sure we’d rather hang out with you than watch anything on TV.
I can still count on bath time to be your favorite time of day. The only time we skip bath time is when we are out a little too late. You have become really interested in holding and flipping through books. For a little boy, you’ve got pretty good fine motor skills. It gives me hope that you’ll be a reader like your mommy.
You’re getting close to sitting up. You tend to lean very far forward to look at your cool feet, however. Sometimes, you’ll go straight into your toys in front of you too. Mommy is always there to catch you before you hit your head, though.
I guess that is what I am most thankful for, these days. I will always be there for you, little guy. Each month, caring for you looks a little different. My love for you grows every single day. Despite any writing ventures that I may pursue in the future, you are my focus during this time at home.
Oh, precious son. I hope you know that you are loved, supported, and cared for. We will ALWAYS be in your corner.
This post has tears dripping down my face. I look at sweet little Bennett at just 5 months old, and I remember Caleb being that age 9 short months ago. Oh, how the time flies. It just slips right on by – as I’m sure you’ve learned. For some reason, becoming a Mother makes time go by even faster. I am so glad that you are going to be able to spend every second with him. You will not regret it. The schools will always need good teachers – it’s something you can go back to as soon as you feel ready, and I know you will one day. But we only have one chance to spend time with our babies as they grow.
I swear, every time I write these I think…didn’t I just write him a letter? It makes me sad to know that time is flying by…but grateful for the opportunity not to miss a minute.