We are exactly 2 days away from the Bear’s birthday. I. Cannot. Believe. It.
What a great year; parenting is way more than I ever thought it could be. I’ll reserve my gushy thoughts for my 1 year letter to the little man. But TODAY, I bring you 5 bits of randomness just for fun.
1. The “bear-thday” party decor is done.

Just a small preview of the party decorations :)
My house has been decorated for a few days at the advice of my oldest sister. Instead of frantically decorating the night before, I am free to worry about last minute details…like food.
I laughed with my guest poster this week about how it used to just be cake and balloons…and she said by the third kid, it is.
I didn’t realize how many people I had invited until the text messages started coming in. I thought I would have about 15 people MAX at the party (including my family), but I’m thinking we’ll be closer to the neighborhood of 30-40 people.
I think I’m ready; but we’ll see. If it’s not perfect, it will just be a great time. I’m so excited to celebrate my little boy with so many of our friends and family!
Oh, and don’t think I’m done with the bearthday pun yet. 🙂
2. The bachelorette is perfect. I really hope this year’s bachelorette is the best one yet. Kaitlyn is hilarious and gorgeous and awesome. I’ve spelled her name incorrectly THREE times while writing this…and…
You could say she sees life through rose colored glasses. heh heh.
That was terrible, I know. I am so excited to see her season (and coincidentally already over farmer Chris. Sorrrrrryyyyy.)
3. I am no longer a stylish person. Sad but true. I spend most of my day playing and cleaning in yoga pants and tee shirts. Sigh. I could not find a dress for little B’s party, so I’ll probably just wear something in my closet. Maybe it will be stylish? Perhaps it will be something other than yoga pants and a tee shirt? Stay tuned.
4. The dress is blue and black. Can we move on?
5. This video may change your life . Or at least your morning/afternoon. It looks like these dads suffered from capital pun-ishment. Get it? Death by puns?!
C’mon…that one was a little better.
Have a great weekend!
Oh, and be sure to stop by GiGi Babies and use code “littlebearis1” and Abby Reese Design using promo code “punsintended” for 15% off of their services!
The black blue / White gold dress discussion is killing me. I agree, lets move on!
Aw what a cute party! Also, if I’m not in work clothes, or workout clothes. I’m in yoga pants. No shame.
I love Kaitlyn but I really didn’t see her as Chris’s type… I do hope she’s the next Bachelorette!
Please, lets move on from this dress. People that see white & gold – we get it – you all are crazy. 🙂
LOVE the Brown Bear birthday theme!
What a cute birthday party idea! It looks like it is going to be a fun party!
You are too cute! I love all of the Bearday decorations–and how smart to do them a couple of days in advance. I hope is birthday party goes off without a hitch! I am sure with all of your planning it will be amazing! I can’t wait to see all of the decorations! And hey, consider yourself in good company with the yoga pants. Except mine are sweat pants these days over yoga pants (it’s too cold!!!) But I think that if I wear yoga pants I am more likely to work out 😉 Have a great weekend!
YES! Even before she was eliminated I WANTED her to get kicked off the show so she could be the Bachelorette! Whoo can’t wait. There’s gonna be some crazy dates in her future…also probably some crazy men too lol