Why, hello there, readers.
I know, I know. I’ve been super quiet around here over the last six months. What began as a month-long respite turned into an attempt to avoid social media all together. Call it hormones, but I have become acutely aware of how fleeting my time with my little boy is. It has overtaken all of my thoughts. With each photograph of every friend’s child headed to pre-k or kindergarten, I get misty eyed. This time at home with my little ones will be so short. And honestly–it has been the happiest and most rewarding time of my life. I could not be any more in love with my little guy, or more grateful to my husband for giving me the gift of being a full-time, stay-at-home, mom.
And truthfully, this blog had to suffer. I had to catch all of my little man’s milestones…his first steps…his repertoire of animal noises…his adventures in mud splashing…I couldn’t do that while sitting in front of a computer monitor; or consistently checking my social shares to see if you all ‘like’ what I had to say for the day.
I suppose, I had to get to a point where I was validated in my current career–just being mom. I had to find my worth in my savior. I had to find my joy in my faith and my family. So–while I’ve missed hearing from everyone, I have been soaking up my time at home…and oh-so-proud of the little man my baby has become.
So where does blogging fit in? I began a blogging-friend relationship with Jessica over at Secrets of a Stay at Home Mom. She seems to have it together; and by it I mean the grace that comes with staying at home and finding joy in the every day. She included me in this awesome community of bloggers for a little fun to kick off our fall blogging. I couldn’t be more grateful to have met her; this particular exchange sparked a new love for blogging and how truly rewarding it can be. A little bit of work can really pay off…and you can make some great friends while you’re at it.
So, maybe, you’ll hear a lot more from me. Here are the ladies of the swap:

You are so incredibly sweet!! Your kind words really made me feel good. I’m so glad I found your blog and we became blogging friends!! I’m also lad you guys enjoyed your gifts so much. I love doing these exchanges because you really get involved with those you are paired with! 😉
I completely understand your need to step away for a while – we all go through times like that, I think. Especially as mothers who wear so many hats and keep so many balls juggling!
Love that we ended up being part of the same blogger exchange. This world is such a small place:) Bennett looks like he had fun opening up his gift. He is getting SO big, Bekah. And looking more and more like his mama, in my opinion, though he definitely a mixture of you and hubby for sure.
Finally, I think we’re definitely going to need to see some photos of what I know is the most adorable baby bump ever! Hope you’re feeling good, Mama! Love you, my sweet friend!