It's almost here; and it just happens to be the most wonderful time of the year. No, I'm not a crazy southerner who has all of her Christmas shopping done yet. I am that other kind of crazy know: the football-crazy southerner. There'll be hamburgers grilling and fourth quarters thrilling and yelling there out in the heat. There'll be awesome pass stories and tales of the Continue Reading
Should we give college players a quarter back?
"All of the mistakes (the young) make are in the direction of excess...""People who are older...are stingy; for one of the necessitites is money and at the same time they know from experience that it is difficult to acquire and easy to lose."-Aristotle, On Rhetoric Book 2Rawr.I often joke with my students that had centuries and sexual preferences not separated us, Aristotle would've been my man. Continue Reading
Our players got a Pruitt…
Bennett is doomed if he doesn't like football.Both his daddy and I are fanatics when it comes to pigskin. When we first started dating, we had a trip planned to the beach over Labor Day weekend. Our first order of business? Drive down a day early to ensure we could catch the first Thursday night game of the season. Second? Find a sports bar that played said game...which Continue Reading