Ahh...the time is upon us teachers. The most blessed of all times of year: summertime. Eight to ten weeks of summer sun and fun. The Carringtons kicked off this summer with three days of pool time and friends. Here is a little snapshot from the weekend.Just a couple of girls with their favorite boys (and yes...they match)As I read the future of the summer, it looks very Continue Reading
How different life may have been…
I may not have ever heard your voice. You wouldn't have ever given me my nighttime bottle or rocked me to sleep. Who else could've given me strong baby abs without your baby sit-ups?Sure; instead of waiting a few days later for Christmas presents, we might have opened them that morning. The living room would've been filled with torn wrapping paper, but inherently empty.Instead of Continue Reading
Common cORe….not…TTT Cross-curricular unit plan (Literature andScience)
Lately, common core standards have become an issue for fierce debate: particularly in the state of Georgia. Paul Broun, a Tea Party senate candidate, went so far as to say, "I want to abolish the Department of Education and get rid of Common Core forever." Many conservative politicians compare Common Core to the Affordable Healthcare Act stating that congress, "passed the bill" before Continue Reading