Dear Bennett,
As I sat on the couch the other night peeking into your crib on our video monitor, I became noticeably upset. Your dad asked me what was wrong.
“He won’t be a baby for very much longer.” I lamented.
Of course, your dad giggled since you’ve still got five months of infancy left (give or take a few months).
If I’ve learned anything over these last seven months, it is that five months will fly by: and it breaks my heart. Every day, I become painfully aware that you’re getting more and more independent. It’s the little things, like holding your own bottle or grabbing for toys, or sitting up by yourself as long as you want to sit up that make me realize what this parenting thing is all about. It is about helping you to grow and to learn how to stand up on your own two feet. As small as those feet are right now, I realize that they will will soon be solid enough for you to stand on…and that is ok.
September is all about football in our house, so you’ve made it through a few trips to Taco Mac, four mid-Saturday wardrobe changes, and plenty of cheers and chants. I think you’re pretty dashing in red and black…although your dad much prefers your orange and blue outfits. Either way, you’re a great sport and you’ve learned to love football…as if you had a choice 😉
You haven’t hit any new physical milestones, although, you’re much more solid sitting up. I feel a lot more comfortable changing a load of laundry as I know you won’t topple over and bump your head. We’re working on a crawl, but for now, you and I are both very content as you simply sit in one place, playing with toys. You’ll crawl one day and I won’t ever stop chasing you…and then I will wish for these sweet moments back…or maybe I won’t.
You’ve become much more interested in solid foods…forget that pureed baby food. You grab for anything and everything on my plate. Right now, your favorite foods are black beans, rice, chicken, cheese (obviously your mommy’s baby), croissants, cheerios, sweet potatoes, and spinach (as long as it has some ricotta in there). This morning, I let you try a bit of turkey bacon, and you kept it on your tongue for a solid twenty minutes. I’m guessing you liked it.
Your sleep has been a little inconsistent because of teething. You’ve had two weeks of fussy sleep, followed by two weeks of good sleep…and this week you’ve had two nights of up-at-two-a.m. until six a.m. and then one night of mommy turning off the sound in the monitor…and you sleeping solidly through the night (at least I think you did). You’ve had two lower incisors peek through your gums this month…and I have a hunch you’re working on the top two incisors. Teething has become my least favorite enemy…and yours too.
You’ve been quite the adventurer this month: plenty of trips to the park, two full days with your Nana/Nana, trip to the high, and your first trip to the zoo. You’re such a good sport in whatever environment you’re in. You’ve even gotten comfortable enough to hear a passing train and stay calm during sporting events.
Little guy, you’re such a sweet and joyful baby and I am flooded with thankfulness every time I get to see your face. You are so special to both your dad and I, because you’ve taught us how to love boundlessly and unconditionally. Every day with you keeps getting better and better.
So keep growing, little guy, even though I may cry a few mommy tears. I love you.
Precious sweet angel! What a blessing he is. Every day is a gift!
Yes it is! We love you!