Hey, Bekah.
It’s me…Bekah. Only, I’m knocking on thirty’s door and I’m exactly where you want to be in five years; only problem is, it is five years after you thought you’d be there.
Don’t worry; it’s ok not to be married with a kid by 25.
Still, there are a few things we need to talk about.
First, THANK YOU for passing on the gaucho pant trend. My goodness, those things were horrible. I will let you slide with the two times you borrowed your roommates gaucho pants because you wanted to feel like you were going out in your pajamas. You made a great choice for future photo browsing and current dignity; although, you and I both know you’re not making too many good decisions these days.
Sure, you have a job and you’re making some pretty decent money for a college kid. But you’re really, really irresponsible with your money. That will hurt you in the not too distant future.
Here’s a thought: instead of spending every penny you earn on the finest clothing on the Gap sale rack and then lamenting the fact that you can’t afford what all the other girls have, why don’t you save your money? Put a few dollars away each paycheck; it doesn’t have to be a lot, but twenty bucks every two weeks could really add up. Think about it: that’s $520 a year. By the time you graduate, you could save $1,560. That will really help when you lose your job. Oh sorry–spoiler alert; you’re going to be unemployed. It will be tough, but it will be refining. You’ll hate it when you’re jobless and feel like you’re throwing your resume into a vacuum of space and time, never to hear back from the hundreds of e-mails you send to hundreds of employers…but don’t worry. You won’t trade that time.
Sorry, let’s get back to where you are. First, just say no to the dog. You can’t afford her and she will destroy everything that you spend your money on. You’ll get in countless fights with your roommates and your house will smell like dog urine. It’s not worth it. So, let that puppy run free with her brother…she deserves better than you.
Also, you don’t need a boyfriend. I’m not saying you’re the most awesome person ever; but those boys don’t deserve you…and you don’t deserve them. You’re a mess right now…and you’d be better off making friends and having fun without all that drama. And you know you–you’re a ball full of emotion, often trapped in that glass case with Will Ferrell (you can join him as you lament losing Baxter and Lola). So, let’s make a pact to spend more time with your gal pals. You’ll hear from them every now and again…but I would rather hear from them more often–so stop pouring all your energy into these boys that you won’t talk to in ten years….mmmkay?
Oh, sorry…I keep spoiling the future–you don’t end up with those fellas. They’re swell and all, but if you’re honest with yourself, you know that you’re not the girl for them…and they aint it for you either.
Instead of stressing out about getting married, why don’t you enjoy the fact that you single and in the most gloriously sheltered “real world” ever. Not to mention that you get the best seats to your favorite Saturday games…and that won’t happen late in your twenties anymore. In fact, if I told you who you married and what you were watching on Saturdays you would kick yourself. Don’t worry–you haven’t switched teams or anything silly like that, but marriage is compromise. That’s all I have to say about that.
Also, let’s try to stop investing so much time in yourself. I know that sounds odd, but you spend a whole lot of your nights in tears because someone has mistreated you. Stop crying and start helping someone else. That sounds harsh, but, whatever. No one cares about your broken heart as much as you do…mostly because they’re tired of hearing you make silly decisions. What people do care about is what you can do to help them…or others. There are so many opportunities for you to volunteer and get some great experience under your belt. Relay for Life is super fun, and you’ll care a lot about that in the future…why don’t you try that one out? Thanks.
While we’re at it, why did you ever stop getting involved in sports? That was a big part of your life before college and it will be a big part of your life after college. If I were to tell you what was to happen when you finally return to intramural sports, you wouldn’t believe me…and plus, I’ve already ruined so many surprises. So, why don’t you stop spending time watching TV and start spending time in your happy place: on a field, in a pool, or on the pavement? You’ll thank me when you’re my age…and you’d like to start thinking about running a marathon. Yeah–I’m serious. You pay to run now.
You’re in the prime of your life, but don’t ever think there won’t be difficult moments in college. These are great times, but as much as you may not believe me, I wouldn’t trade my time now for where you are. I love being a wife. I love being a mom. Which I guess means you love it too…but don’t rush to be almost-thirty. There is a time for that.
There will be a time when you dream about walking outside of Brumby down the hill to the Stadium. There will be a time when you miss catching the bus to classes, or being picked up by your roommates. There will be a time when you ache for just one more carefree late night with your girlfriends without the threat of responsibility the next morning. You’ll miss the stadium seating lectures surrounded by people your age (really). But that time is not now.
Now is the time to read the books that your teachers assign. That will be important so you don’t have to go back and read them before you go to work in the morning (another surprise). Now is the time not to make any decisions about your career because your mom didn’t like the profession. Ah, heck, you know you want to teach–so look into that. I ruined another one. Oh well. You’re not going to become a film critic. Sorry…
Let go of the things that seem difficult right now. It isn’t worth the fight. This should be the fun part–but trust me, it keeps getting better.
Nearly thirty year old you
AWW.. I love this post!! Wouldnt it be so amazing if we could really send a little message to ourselves?
YES! If only…
I love when you write. Especially while I’m in college, you writing this really helps to put a lot of things in perspective. And then coming from someone I trust…that just makes it 10x better.
Thanks, Tina! I’m only here to help :). I love that you READ what I have to say!
Well this is just great!
Looks like it cut off my comment… If only we all knew then what we know now. With age comes wisdom, and I too am finding, these are the good years! Great post!
Totally agree! I’m sure had I read this when I was in college, I probably would’ve made the same decisions. Oh–youth.
Another interesting post. I can relate to the saving part and your advice to keep up with sports. I still can’t believe how I wanted to become older, more respected when I had my youth. What a different perspective time give you– and how fast it comes.