Yesterday, I had the joy of spending time with my beautiful friend, Chloe, who has been married for over two years now. Before Bennett, I never would've let these words slip out of my mouth. Now, these questions seem to run unbridled out of my wide open trap as I just cannot imagine life without my little one. "So...when do you think you and your husband will entertain the idea of Continue Reading
Best Buds
This week, my readers got a chance to read from my first ever BFF on Monday about her struggles with infertility. As I mentioned, she is the most beautiful person that I know: inside and out. What I failed to mention is how we met. I walked into Mrs. Hanson's fourth grade class with my heart aflutter about the smell of new crayons and the feel of a brand new backpack. I had no idea what this Continue Reading
Guest Post: TTC and other things that will make you lose your mind!
Three a.m. and I awoke with one thought on my mind: it is time to find out if I am expecting. There are few coherent words, but many questions that accompany the sixty seconds to follow taking an at-home pregnancy test. Is it positive? Is it negative? What will I do if it is negative? What kind of mother will I be? Will maternal instincts kick in? Will I enjoy pregnancy? If I am pregnant, will Continue Reading