Some mommies just 'get it.'The minute they find out that they have a bun in the oven, they devour books detailing the essentials of infant care. These moms spend their free time in the first trimester (in between trips to the bathroom...for whatever reason) thumbing through thousands of pages of advice. When it comes time to registering, they've already narrowed down their carseat, Continue Reading
Top 10 Disney movies of all time
A friend of mine posted a link to this fabulous quiz this morning and it got me thinking; I know far too much about Disney movies. I scored a perfect 9/9.In fact, as my husband lamented what is to come of our future movie-going experiences, I secretly rejoiced that I would be able to have an excuse to see a Disney film without sideways glances from other adults...with their Continue Reading
When the district hands you lemons, stop dancing with them (TTT)
I have never been more eager to learn than during my time as a student teacher. Everything was new. Every word that my mentor teacher spoke was an opportunity for me to learn something new. Like a little puppy, I waited and wagged my tail at any opportunity to jump into my new role as teacher. Any time I was given a chance to lead a lesson, I ran unbridled into this new world of Continue Reading