Today is your day, sweet graduates. Today is the day you walk across the field, receive your diploma, and move forward into your future without looking back. I was there on your first day. I remember your first steps into the dirty floor of our mod. I remember your precious, anxious faces as you sat at the little brown box desks that I fought tirelessly to keep straight for your first Continue Reading
To Do lists (Guest Post by Lynne of The Sweet Midlife)
Today, I'm honored to have a guest post from Lynne of The Sweet Midlife. Lynne has been such a huge supporter of this blog from the very beginning and I always love reading what she has to say. Today, she touches on a topic that has been top of mind for me lately--the never ending to do list and the ever-present struggle between getting things done and choosing your children. Continue Reading
Standby faith (On Calvary’s Hill Book Review)
If you ever want to know how truly ugly human nature is, fly standby. Purchasing a standby ticket is a low-risk, high reward practice. Last weekend I purchased a round-trip standby request for $50: a regular ticket would've cost upwards of $500. In the grand scheme of travel, $50 is peanuts. Spending a tenth of a regular priced ticket is lovely. Waiting for a seat is not. Most of Continue Reading
Why you probably shouldn’t trust a blogger…
I am not usually one for sweeping generalizations; in fact, I used to make the papers of my former students bleed purple ink if I ever saw statements like, In today's society, everyone believes that women are more emotional than men. The horror. There is so much wrong with that sentence. First, what to which other society is the writer referring? Yesterday's society did not believe that Continue Reading
Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award
Well, what do you know. I've been nominated by the lovely Tarynn at Mama By Fire for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. How fun! Tarynn and I connected through one of the best blogging groups around and I must say, she's pretty fantastic. She's much better with social media than I am and usually posts some of the most intriguing links over on her Facebook Page. She is candid and Continue Reading
What little bear wore (Gigi Babies Review)
I've had a conflicting relationship with Jon-Jons ever since I found out we were having a boy. Smocked outfits for girls are adorable. From the colorful fabrics to the tiny, perfectly embroidered details, each special dress screams, "I'm so girly and fun. The price of this outfit is ridiculous, but the stinging price will be a small sacrifice for a lifetime of perfectly styled Continue Reading
Happy bear-thday! (Friday link ups)
We are exactly 2 days away from the Bear's birthday. I. Cannot. Believe. It. What a great year; parenting is way more than I ever thought it could be. I'll reserve my gushy thoughts for my 1 year letter to the little man. But TODAY, I bring you 5 bits of randomness just for fun. 1. The "bear-thday" party decor is done. My house has been decorated for a few days at the Continue Reading
My Coffee Shop Confession (Guest Post)
So excited for Tammy of Blithe, a blog, to guest post today. She is such a gifted writer and she is so incredibly inspiring. I hope you love her words as much as I do! My Coffee Shop Confession It was over the best (although semi-cold) latte ever and a laptop that wouldn't stay charged (unless it was plugged in at all times) that I confessed to a random stranger one of the greatest Continue Reading
5 truly gratuitous items that may make you look like you care about the Super Bowl
The Super Bowl is upon us. Ehem--I mean--the big game. I hope I don't get fined for that; I don't have that kind of money (and I'm not that big of a deal). So, admittedly, I haven't truly cared about the outcome of a 'big game' since 1998, and I was sorely disappointed. So usually, by the time the second round of the playoffs arrives--I'm pretty done with football. Bitterness can Continue Reading
Oh, hey Friday (five bits of randomness)
So, a few odd things happened this week... 1. The Hawks hosted the first ever "Tinder Night" at Phillips Arena. I'm torn in my support of my favorite pro basketball team. On one hand, it is genius marketing; after all, even I am talking about the birds on this little blog. Our team has gotten more press from this gimmick than anything else we've done in the last few months (including Continue Reading